Pastor Charles A. Drew was born and raised in Southport, NC. Being a native to this community has its benefits, when pastoring a church. Pastor Drew is well known in our county, and not only does he serve his own congregation, but is often called on to minister to the unchurched and those without a pastor in our area. He has been refered to by many local residents as the "Shepherd of Southport".
In the mid 1970's, Pastor Drew began attending the Midway Apostolic Church in Bolivia, NC. He was but just a toddler and was carried to church by his dear grandmother, Sister Julia Bowling. Through Sister Bowling's relentless efforts, she managed to instill a love for God and the church in the heart of her grandson. Sister Bowling had a tremendous impact on Rev. Drew's life, teaching him many principles that he still cherishes today, one of her main priorities, was a high respect for the ministry.
At the young age of 7, Charles A Drew, repented of his sins, was baptized in Jesus Name by immersion, and was filled with the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in other tongues. He remained very faithful and active in the church, assisting in whatever capacity that he was asked to do. You must learn to first be faithful over the little things, and then God will honor your faithfulness by calling you into something greater. One of "Little Charles", as he was refered to by all of his family and friends, first duties in church, as ask by his Pastor, was to keep the tract rack full, and then later to assist with the setting up of the communion service. He was later asked to teach Sunday School, and to serve as Youth Leader in the church also. At 14 years old, Drew preached his first sermon under the direct leadership of his Pastor, Sister Betty L. McKendrie.
Preaching, praying, and praising became Pastor Drew's life. When all the other teens wanted to be involved in the things of the world, he longed to be in the presence of the Lord. Working for the Lord became his desire and his life, but not without much opposition from family and friends.
Pastor Drew was faithful to the church, and traveling part time as evangelist through out the United States, they preached revivals, conferences, camp meetings, and services.
In 2003, Sister Julia Bowling suffered a massive stroke. Due to the complications of the stroke, she needed 24 hour care, and her faithful family provided that care to her. In her last days she lived with the Drew's and they cared for her. It was during this time, that Pastor Drew, carried her, literally to church. He would pick her up in his arms like a baby, and carry her from the car to her pew. He said, "She saw something in me to carry me to church, now it's my turn to carry her." On January 12, 2004 Sister Bowling was called home to be with the Lord, surrounded by her family at the Drew house she went out into eternity to meet her reward. On her death bed, she had deep conversations with Pastor Drew about him meeting her on the other side, and making sure that he kept the children in church and on fire for God.
In 2005, another life changing occurence happened to Rev. Drew, his Pastor of 30 years, went to be with the Lord. It was after this, at the leading of the Holy Ghost that Rev Drew founded the Lighthouse Pentecostal Church in Bolivia, NC. The church started with about 15 people on August 17, 2005. Today it is a growing and thriving church that is on the move. Pastor Drew is very proud that his son assists him and is a very important part of the ministry in the church. In 2013 the church had the opportunity to purchase 3.5 acres of land and a former church that was in foreclosure. This opportunity placed the church in a prime commercial location on the major 4 lane highway in Brunswick County. The church purchased the property at 5420 East Ocean Hwy in Winnabow, NC for $165,000. THe property appraised and was valued at nearly $700,000. The LORD has surely blessed the LIGHTHOUSE ! In 2015, the endeavors are being made to add a multipurpose fellowship hall to the church campus. We must keep a vision.
Over the last 18 years, Pastor Drew and the Lighthouse Pentecostal Church have weathered many storms, walked through many valleys, and experienced many trials and tribulations. It is with great pleasure that we report, the VICTORIES outweigh all the trials, it is a GREAT life living for JESUS. It is our Pastor's desire to see a Lighthouse in this area sending out the same Gospel message that the Apostle's of old preached. We will contend for the faith, we will not compromise, we are dedicated to the preservation of the original Apostolic Message. We are thankful for a Pastor that still holds to the old paths, and the truth of Holiness.
Sunday School 1:00 pm
Sunday Worship 2:00 pm
Monday Night Prayer 7:00 pm
Wednesday 7:15 pm